What To Know Before Buying Replacement Doors Or Windows For Your Mobile Home
Posted on: 7 January 2021
An issue that many mobile homeowners have is with finding replacement doors, windows, and fixtures for their home. For this reason, there are specific supply companies that sell mobile home parts. This is due to the fact that most mobile homes do not have standard-sized or traditional doors and windows. If you need to replace the doors within or on the exterior of your mobile home, there are a few things you need to know first.
Door Size
Some older model mobile homes are smaller in size in width or in height than most modern mobile home doors. Also, most mobile home doors have different sizing than traditional interior or exterior doors would have. For this reason, you will need to get the exact measurements of the door in order to find the right one you need. There is no generic size of door for a mobile home. Double wides, single wides, and even triple wides have different sizes of doors and door frames. This means that sizing is vital.
Door Material
The material of the door is also vital. Most older mobile homes have doors that are hollow on the inside. They do not have solid construction throughout. If you would like a solid replacement door, you will need to ensure there are a few things you were looking for. First, you need to look for the door material and show the door material is wood. Second, you need to ensure that the description of the door does not include the word "hollow." You are looking for descriptions that include solid wood construction in their description. Third, you need to look for doors that can hold up to interior use. These doors will likely be labeled as interior house doors or interior modular doors.
Make and Model
The make and model of your mobile home is also key to finding the right replacement doors. You will need to have the make of the home, the model of the mobile home, and the year. Keep in mind that many mobile home manufacturers will change their style each year. This means that if you have the make of the mobile home, you may not have the right sizing. You will still need the model of the home and the specific year the home was manufactured.
These are just a few of the things you need to know in order to find replacement doors for your mobile home. These same general rules apply when you are trying to find replacement windows for your mobile home as well. If you are still unsure of the type of door you need or have to find a replacement door, contact your local building supply company or your local mobile home supply company.